
Auro Water Solutions (AWS) is happy to announce following services to its esteemed customers.


Plant Audit services shall establish the following:

  • Understand the efficiency/lacunae in the installed system to deliver desired output in terms of Quality & Quantity.
  • Confirm plant design suitability for existing Feed Water conditions.
  • Optimization of Plant/System in existing condition.
  • Define exact requirement of retrofit in case of Capacity Augmentation Plant Audit shall cover detailed Process study, External Flow measurement & specific analysis services if required.


  • Addressing Recovery, Permeate quality or flow issues for Reverse Osmosis Systems.
  • Setting right the Biological process.
  • Trouble shooting the Chemical Precipitation system.
  • Solve the OBR/Quality & Chemical consumption of your Demin plant.


Many a times it is very essential that a small pilot is run to confirm that design is fool proof & there won’t be any surprises especially when working with tricky Effluent Recycle Systems with ambitious recovery rates to reduce the MEE feed to bare minimum.

Our optimally designed pilot UF/RO or Resin column will ensure that pilot trials are as close as actual Plant & hence you could rest assured that plant will run successfully.

We will employ special membranes, resins etc. which will be used in actual system.


It happens many a times, especially in Effluent Recycle Systems that slowly membrane cleaning efficiency comes down & cleaning frequency increases. This leads to a very peculiar situation when it is not possible to replace membranes frequently but it is not possible to recycle waste water.

We offer Membrane or Resin cleaning systems which are heavily fouled. Our specialty Chemicals coupled with our 25 years of international knowledge base of RO membrane Operations & Membrane Chemistry comes in handy here. We will pilot clean the lead & lag membranes for known/suspected foulants & devise optimum cleaning process & sequence, which will ensure long productive life for membranes.

We also extend our services for in-situ membrane cleaning if we feel that Laboratory cleaning of can be done or at our Laboratory in Pune & results can be extrapolated at plant in case of heavy & difficult to clean fouling.

Membrane Autopsy

  • Visual Inspection with photographs.
  • Performance testing before Autopsy.
  • Systematic Opening & cutting of the membrane with photos up to 80X optical zoom.
  • Surface area measurement of each leaf.
  • SEM/EDS or EDXA/FTIR analysis & up to 2000X photos of deposit sample to ascertain particle size, shape, texture, topography & chemical composition.
  • Test cleaning the sample pieces to arrive at best possible cleaning process.


Retrofitting the Existing Plant/system for Optimization and/or Capacity enhancement in terms of quality & quantity.